
It was my senior year in high school and of course I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do in life. So has I sat in the auditorium listening to some career coaches talk about why they went into the field of business? They called on a few students and asked them what they wanted to do. They said they wanted to English teachers, Math teachers and so on. I thought to myself I didn’t want to do that.

I was making good money, back then I thought it was good, I had money to buy the things I wanted. Then one of the coaches stood up and talked about Business and how much you could make. He said you could make $84,000 a year within a couple of years out of college. I thought $84,000 is a good amount of money and I could live with that. So that is what I went into in college and I got my business management degree. I was on my way, it was a slow pace at that.

I was moving up in my job and it had its views of making good money. But 9/11 happened and I found out I was looking for a job.

I ended up working at a place I didn’t ever want to do, but I needed to have a job to support my family. I ended up supporting MS Frontpage and Word. I then took my website in which I created in 1997. Turned it into a better functioning website. This is the path I wanted to take was computers and the technology.

I am working on getting my second bachelors in Information technology hoping that this will lead to making good money. I am still looking for that elusive $84,000.

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