Who am I

I am a person who likes to dabble in things of technology and that is why I have 9 domain names. Yes, 9 of them and a few subdomains along the way. Granted that 3 of them or active at this time, 3 are pointing to at least 1 of the active domains. 2 I just don’t know what to do with them and 1 is a work in progress.

So I have a lot to do with this one hobby, I have others, but this one I enjoy the most.

Here is how justinjenkins.info came about:

I was attending a job fair along time ago and there was a company that was giving out free web space for students to post a resume and some information about them, you know to get more exposure. 

Yea, there are services Like Linkedin.com that offer this service as well. I thought I have access to a server so why not create a website and put some information out there about me and some of the things I like to and enjoy.

You can click the links below on the right-hand side in the footer to find out what I am all about or above on the right.

  • Twitter
  • Google +
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
    • Personal 
    • Traveling with Justin 
    • I am Gadget Guy 

So that is a little bit about me. Enjoy the site.  

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