BYU Recap, Nov. 19, 2023

Oklahoma comes to Lavell Edwards Stadium. Can BYU make this a 3-0 series against the 14th-ranked Sooners? Let’s find out.

1st Half

We arrived at the game and took our seats, and the game started. It was an excellent game to go to. Oklahoma went up first.


However, BYU came down and scored.


It was a challenging game for both teams. The game went back and forth


It was the score at the half.

Who would have thought that it would be tied at half-time? BYU is holding its ground against OU.

2nd Half

This is where I spent my 3rd quarter.

BYU was driving down the field, was on the one-yard line, and threw a pick 6. I missed it due to getting food for my father-in-law. On top of that, they ran out of noodles.

I think this pick 6 was the turning point of the game.


I got back with about 3 Min left in the 3rd, and the score was


The fourth quarter was a good one. However, OU was the only one who scored, making it.


My Opinion

So, BYU played like they should have played all year long. They were going head-to-head with the 14th-ranked team in the nation. I think that both the defense and offense played well. That pick 6 in the 3rd quarter was the turning point.

BYU had plenty of opportunities to put the ball in the end zone to win this game. They had more total yards than OU. The Cougars had 217 yards rushing. I mean, that is good. Considering some of the games they have played.

However, three turnovers hurt the Cougars. It was a good game.

Some of the OU fans were rude, but for the most part, they were friendly and pleasant to talk to.

Next Up

BYU will travel to Oklahoma St. next week as the season winds down.

At the time when this post was written, there was no time. I will update it when I get the time.


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