Mixed Berry Cobbler, Episode 9

Today is a not-so-healthy cobbler. Why am I making it? Well, my son asked me to.


My oldest son asked me to make him a mixed-berry cobbler for his birthday, so that is what this cooking with Justin Epide is all about.

Mixed Berry

I was thinking of having the following as a mixed-berry cobbler

  • Cherry
  • Strawberry
  • Raspberry
  • Blueberry

Someone told me no, that isn’t a mixed berry cobbler. I didn’t argue. So I asked my son what he wanted, and he told me that blackberries are his favorite, followed by blueberries. So that is what I made for him.


Here are the ingredients I used

  • One can of Blueberries
    • 21oz of pie filling
  • One can of Blackberries
    • 21 oz of pie filling
  • Two sticks of butter
  • Two cake mixes
    • I used Yellow
  • One mini can of Sprite Zero
    • You can use a full-size can
    • I used Sprite Zero since that is all I had
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg
  • Crockpot


  1. Melt the butter
    1. It will make one cup of melted butter
  2. Mix with cake mix in a bowl until it is clumpy
  3. Dump the berries in the crockpot.
  4. Pour the Sprite in
  5. Mix that all up
  6. Pour the cake mix batter on top
  7. Spread out
    1. DON’T STIR
  8. Sprinkle Cinnamon and Nutmeg on it to your liking.


  • Place crockpot bowl in crockpot
  • Cover with lid
  • Cook
    • High
      • 2 1/2 For single
      • 4 hours for double
    • Low
      • 5 hours for a single
      • 7 hours for double


  • Scoop up on a plate or in a bowl
  • Eat
  • You can put
    • Ice cream on it
    • Whipping cream
  • Enjoy



I would have just done some frozen berries in a mixed bag

But the pie filling turned out OK. It tasted super good. The only thing that I cared about was if my son liked it.

Yes, he did.

So that is a win.


Yep, I did a video

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