Arby’s Carnivore Diet

Eating at Arby’s should be an excellent fit for the carnivore diet since the slogan is

“We have the meat.”

Well, let’s find out.

Carnivore Diet

They do offer many different meat options, but do they contain grain or sugar? The only meat that doesn’t is roast beef.

You can get a double order of roast beef, which sounds kind of odd and a little bit different than just eating the sandwich with some good Arby’s sauce.

What I got

I did order double roast beef. It was a 2 for $6, so that is what I got

The Price

It was

The Portion size

I am unsure how much it weighed, but it was a good portion.

The taste

I am not sure what roast beef tastes like, but it tastes like it usually does. Just minus the bun and the Arby’s sauce. It tasted just fine


A good old Coke would have been nice, but I just got some water.

My Thoughts

Yes, you can eat at Arby’s on a carnivore diet. So you can eat here if you are traveling or working and need something to eat. But you can only get roast beef because it has no grains or sugar in the meat. But with the slogan of

“We have the meats”

They do, but grains and sugars are not what your meat needs. Well, in my opinion.


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