Drivers are they stupid

We all know that once you drive on any roadway in America, it could be worldwide. There are some stupid people out there.

Stupid People

Once you get behind the wheel of a car, all the smartness in your head goes out, and just stupid things remain.

You get behind the wheel, and it is like you are against the world. Yep, that is what happens. In my place, all the people who moved in say that the locals are the worst drivers around. Well, maybe it is that they are the problem, don’t know how to drive, and the locals are driving usually?


My wife called me one day and asked me to write a license plate number. So I did. I asked why.

She shared this story with me.

She was driving, and she came upon a merge lane.

She is in the lane that was going to end. She was ahead of the car to the left. So naturally, the person on the left would slow down and allow the car in front of them to go ahead. Nope, that didn’t happen. As my wife tried to merge, the car on the left pushed down on her horn and didn’t let up until my wife slowed down and moved over so the car could reach her.

Naturally, the other cars slowed down and allowed my wife to merge.

However, this lady decided to take out her phone and film my wife. Yes, using her phone while driving. That isn’t allowed.

Probably from out of state and moved here.


Yes there is a lesson to learn here. Even if you are in the right and you are doing anything correct in driving. Well, you will have to watch out for other people. Many drivers think they are in the right no matter what, which isn’t true.

Should the lady have slowed down and allowed my wife to merge? Well, if my wife is ahead of her, yes, she should have slowed down. But she didn’t. So those people could kill someone one day.

Just watch out for stupid people.

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