The New Year

At 11:59:59 seconds on Dec. 31, 2019, it will soon turn over to Midnight January 01, 2020.  That means it is a new year and a new decade.




It was 30 years ago that I was sitting somewhere, I can’t remember where I was at. I know I wasn’t where I wanted to be. I wanted to be with the girl I liked, not the girl I was dating at the time. But I knew that would never happen since I was too shy when it came to her. I mean I was just a dumb teenager. I had a future planned out. I wanted to be a rich person.  I had high hopes and big dreams.

20 years

Over the next 20 years, I worked hard and had my hopes that my dreams would come true. But, yet they haven’t come true yet. I didn’t own a big mansion and had all the luxuries of life.  I was just a typical person. Who was married and had kids, just working. I had my ups and downs.  I thought if I worked hard and did what I needed to do. I would be ok. But nope that was so WRONG.  I only found out that you are expendable.  That means that you will struggle no matter what you do.


The years of change in my life, I was working for a Fortune 500 company, and well the pay wasn’t what I was expecting. (Story of my life).  I broke my foot at the beginning of the year. It was my right foot. I broke it at 6:15 AM, and I walked on it all day long. I thought it was a sprained ankle I do that all the time.  I was battling my weight. It was getting higher and higher and I just didn’t give a crap anymore. Back to my ankle, I walked on it all day, came home and did things until 9 PM at night until I sat down. I tried to get up and go to bed and I couldn’t walk I was in so much pain. I couldn’t do anything.

The next morning I went to the doctor and got some x-rays and they were just going to send me home in an ankle brace. The doctor who operated on my son’s broken foot looked at my x-ray and said that is broken.  So I had a boot which meant no driving as it was my right foot and so that meant I had to work from home. We weren’t allowed to work from home but I was working from home.  I went back to work in February, but I put my two-week notice in and was gone on Feb. 16, 2018.  I got a new job.

2018 went out on a bang, like it usually does.


My new job was going well, I got a good bonus, I mean a good bonus. Something I hadn’t gotten in a while. So that was nice. I wish I could have gotten me something nice, but bills come first, right. I had a good job pay was good, but towards the end, the job got a lot harder as things got changed around.

I started my company called Wraith Enterprises, I wanted to call it something else, but that name was already taken. Dang people taking the name I wanted. I am trying to build up the business and still keep my day job. It just means a lot of time on the computer. I mean a lot of time on the computer. 

I had my up and downs last year and more downs than ups. But I am pushing thru it.


The time on the clock is now showing 2020 and that means that there will be more goals to be made.  The weight has to come off. My depression as to be managed and get better. I am making some strides. I have got a membership at the GYM, and I have gone and worked out. But that just increases my appetite.

I need to get my business up and running and making money, so I could quit my day job and do things I really want to do.


To sum it all up. The new decade will bring new things and new opportunities. The question is how will that work out for me. Only time will tell. 

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