Life Update, March 2024

So, three months have gone by in 2024. The question is, how are my goals going so far?

Started out

I wanted to make some changes in my life, and it is still a work in progress on this channel. Check out this post


I started a series called Cooking with Justin, which is going pretty well.

Life update:

Well, I started well, but February sent me on a downward spiral.

I will talk about this at a later time in the year. It isn’t divorce or anything.

This issue caused me to vary off track for my personal goals and weight loss. But, even with the depression of the situation still at hand. I just decided it is life, and I must move forward.

March 2024

I started to get back to the goals I made for myself at the beginning of the year. Then I was down and out with a cold/flu; it was something. That kept me down for a couple of days. But I am still moving forward.

 Starting in April

I will be adding something new to my goals. It isn’t easy, but maybe this step will help break my stalemate of losing weight. I will talk about this in my July life update.

Doesn’t Help

When I am down and out, I make an Easter Candy Salad that is just more sugar I don’t need. Check out that blog


Depression is a serious thing in life, and it is a significant hard thing for me. When I am depressed, I eat and eat. But it is just a fact of life, and I have to move on and forward. I can’t let this get me down.

Things would look much better if I could find an excellent way to make money online. But that is the way the world goes: money is everything. If you want to survive, then you need to make money to live your lifestyle.


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