Memorial Day 2022

What do you think of when you hear Memorial Day? Is it cookouts? Camping? End of the school year? Well, let’s find out what it really means.

What is it

Was known as Decoration Day and it is a federal holiday in the United States for mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces. It is observed on the last Monday of May. It was formerly observed on May 30 from 1868 to 1970. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day to honor and mourn those who died while serving in the U.S. military.

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It means that people will go and put flowers or decorations on people’s graves. Yes, this day is to honor the fallen members of the United States Armed Forces. However, we tend to decorate the graves of those who have gone before us. But that is up to the person.

Hit me

This year, 2022,  I have come to have a better understanding of what this day means. I recently paid a visit to Arlington National Cemetery.  Seeing all those grave sites for soldiers who have fallen in battle to preserve our rights and freedom. The men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice. It makes me think of what this really means. 

Personal Thing

What you think of Memorial Day and what you do is a personal thing. If you are wanting to go camping, that is fine. If you want to do a cookout. It is all up to you. But, for me, it is more about remembering the people who gave their lives for their country. Also, the family and friends that have gone before me. Visiting the graves.


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