My parents

You can’t be grateful for things if you never existed. Am I right? Well, that is the case with me. I am grateful and thankful for my parents. If not for them, then you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

Lived life

They both lived life to its fullest. They each had qualities that made them who they were. Up until they passed away, always wanting to do things for others.

My Dad

Worked hard every day and he was on the road for most of the year. Traveling for work, he hated it but it was what was needed so he could provide for his family. He was always a supporter of me, going to my football games, and just supporting me in what I wanted. He knew I had to make my own choices and yes some of them were wrong, but that was for me to learn.

When he broke his back and they put a rod in it, it was hard on him. Not being able to do what he once did without being in a lot of pain. He laid in bed for 6 months while recovering. I wasn’t the best person at that time. Just wish I was better.

My Mom

She endured a lot in life. She had her ups and down and her struggles. No matter what people said she kept her head high and didn’t say a word to the people how offended her when their kids did worse things than hers did.  She was always there for me. She would come to my football games when it was freezing cold and sit and watch me. She gave me attention when my five sisters picked on me.  She always had the time to spend with my brother Jay. I watched her take care of him all the time.

After my dad passed away, she had to bear a lot, and a lot was put on her plate. She handled that well. Always striving to do things for people around her. She would make cookies and save some for me. I would stop by on my way to work when I worked graveyards and she would be some. I loved the cookies. She died while on the operating table in my youth. They brought her back to life and I am glad they did as my life wouldn’t be the same.

I will cherish their memory always and they will be forever in my heart and thoughts.

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