Sleep Update

On Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2021, I went to my follow-up appointment for my sleep. What did I find out?

Feb. 2020

I got a CPAP machine to help my sleep apnea back in Feb. of 2020, and since then I have slept better and it is nice. Maybe too nice.  It took me some time to get used to this. I did take it to the Caribbean like 6 days after I got it. And well it has been nice.


I went in and the data was good, all except for the 5 days I didn’t use it. I was at Lake Powell and there is no power there. My average time was about 6 hours. So I am doing a lot better. The doctor did point out a couple of days where I only got like 2 to 4 hours. He said I can tell when a weekend comes since I didn’t get enough sleep. Well, it could be that I fell asleep in my recliner and then went to bed and only used it for a couple of hours. Or I fell asleep in bed without using it then I woke up and put it on.

Still some issues

I asked why I am still so tired all the time. He said it could be a number of things.  Like

  • Your sleep environment
    • Do you have any light
    • Do you have sounds
    • Is it hot or cold
  • Your bed
    • Is it soft
    • Is it too hard
  • How you sleep

Yea, I still have issues but it is getting better.


Yes, my sleep is getting better than I have had in a long time. So that is a good thing and it is slowly improving. I do have a bedtime I set for myself. It is hard to do at times. But, I am just trying my best. Will it get better, we can only see.


Of course, I did a YouTube video.

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