Recap BYU, Sept. 10, 2023

The Southern Utah University (SUU) Thunderbirds are coming to LaVell Edwards stadium. How will the game turn out?


They come off an impressive game against Arizona State. SUU lost by 3 points. That was a good game and a great way to start the year. SUU proving that they can hang with the big boys.

How will SUU fair against BYU of the Big 12? Will the game be close?

To be upfront, I didn’t attend the game at LaVell Edwards Stadium. I had a prior commitment at 2 p.m. I watched the game on Hulu until I had to leave.

First Half

SUU started well. They kicked a FG and went up 3-0. SUU held BYU to a few punts and an Interception. SUU was looking good.

BYU scored a TD but missed the extra point.

2nd quarter, BYU scored 21 points and was up 3-27.

Second Half

SUU scored 13 points to make them 16

BYU scored 14 points to make it 41

I missed the second half due to a prior commitment. So, I didn’t get to watch the game and have any insight on the second half.


The stats show a much closer game than what the score says

346Total Yards394
16First Downs18
262Net Passing Yards348

These stats show a pretty close game. The score, however, doesn’t show that.


From what I saw, this was an excellent game. SUU came in, took control, and immediately scored on the BYU defense. Something that Sam Houston couldn’t do. SUU will have a good year.

BYU’s offense started to click more. However, the SEC is next week. The Razorbacks beat the Kent State Golden Flashes 28-6.

However, this was a good game.

By the way, my son makes an ESPN+ broadcast.


Yep, I did a video over on YouTube.

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