2023, BYU Recap

Now that the national championship has been played, Michigan Wolverines are the national champion for the 2023 season. The college football season is over until Aug. of 2024. Let’s recap the season for BYU

2023 Season

 For the first time in a long time, BYU was at an actual conference, which should mean something. It is a Power Five conference. Let’s break down the preseason.

We played a good game against Sam Houston.

Played well against Southern Utah University

I traveled to Arkansas and beat the Razor Backs in a good game.

Big 12

The first game in the Big 12 was at Kanas, and well, in that game, the Y came away with a loss. 

They bounced back and beat Cincinnati.

Didn’t show up for TCU, Texas, West Virginia, and Iowa State. Those were the games BYU got blown out.

Beat Texas Tech, which was a good game played in Provo.

The last two games were good. They came out and played Oklahoma. However, they did walk away with the win. But it was a hard-fought battle, and that was the BYU I love watching.

They came out and were kicking Oklahoma St. butts, but BYU let them back into the game and lost the game in Overtime. That was a good game.

Bowl Game

BYU didn’t make a bowl game; it looked like they were going bowling, but they broke down and let Oklahoma St. come back.


Now that BYU has the first year down, it is time to get down to business and play like BYU should be playing. They had a good recruiting season and got some excellent players. But will that do the trick?

Not sure until the season starts.

The Big 12 is welcoming four new members and losing two members. Texas and Oklahoma are moving to the South Eastern Conference (SEC). Good luck to them.

Start back up

On July 1, 2024, I will update you with the schedule for 2024. Yes, I know it is out,  but only a few games have dates. So, hopefully, they will have everything worked out, but the times are.

I will start the coverage back up on September 1, 2024. That is a Sunday, the day after the Southern Illinois game. 


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