
When November rolls around, you start thinking of hanging up Christmas lights. I know that is what I do.

Getting old

I am getting old and will be the first to admit it because I am getting old. Besides that, ladders and high places don’t currently mix with me. No, I am not afraid of heights. I am just scared of getting dizzy and falling off. Check out my JustinJenkins.info blog.


When we moved, we had some extra money due to the sale of our house, so I decided to get some permanent lights. You know what? You will not have to put up or take down. I have been looking at some different companies. There are quite a few out there. However, I decided to go with Everlights.


This was the first company I looked at for a long time. I know I could never get them on the old house because the wife said no more than once. I had them come out and give me a quote. I didn’t call anyone else. I was sold on their app.

I watched many YouTube videos from other companies, and they didn’t show if they had a calendar so that you could schedule your lights. They explained what the lights can do but not if you can schedule the lights. Everlights did that, and that is what I was sold on. I wanted the ability to design the lights so I wouldn’t have to remember to do that.


So, the app is pretty basic. It has been upgraded, and that is nice. 

Looks like

Once you open it up, it looks like this


You can create your sequences

They have a bunch already created

The calendar feature

As you can see, I have the month of February booked.

My thoughts

What sold me on this company was the calendar feature. I wanted to ensure I could schedule my lights and that they would come on when I wanted them to. This is the thing I saw when looking at permanent lighting for my house. Other companies never showed me this option in their app.

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