Chicken Ranch, Episode 11

Now that I have gotten a couple of good, sweet recipes in here, it is time to return to the healthy ones.

Chicken Ranch

Now, you can do this how you would like to, but this is just one way you can do this recipe. The sole purpose is to have chicken with some ranch seasoning over the top.

I am not a big fan of ranch dressing, but this is an excellent way to do some chicken.



  • Chicken
    • It can be tenders or breasts.
  • Ranch Power
  • Potatoes
    • It can be Whole ones
      • Just cut them into cubes
    • It can be small ones.
  • Carrots


  • Place Chicken in the crockpot
    • It can be Tenders or breasts.
  • Sprinkle Ranch Powder over the top of the Chicken
    • You put in how much you would like on it
  • Put potatoes in
  • Put carrots in
  • Sprinkle more ranch on top
  • Cook on low for 10 hours
    • If the Chicken is frozen
  • Cook on High for 5 hours
    • If the Chicken is frozen



This is an excellent way to eat healthy. It fills you up, tastes good, and is a wonderful way to get protein.


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