Something New

Over the past several years, my life has been on a roller coaster—a big up-and-down roller coaster.


Something that I am not too fond of, but I have gotten used to being a bit overweight, OK, a lot of being overweight.

I wanted to do something about it. But what will I do?


I tried a few things. I even thought one thing was up-and-coming. I got down to 286, then it stopped, and I gave up after a few weeks because my weight wasn’t coming off anymore. I thought I would be this size for the rest of my life.

What am I going to do? That was the big question I asked myself all the time.

Something New

My friend was overweight as well, and he was near stroke level in the blood pressure level. He thought we would take care of matters himself.

He did that in January, and he is down 70 pounds.

What did he do

We went on this diet called The Carnivore Diet. Where you only eat animal products.

  • Like meat
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Anything that comes from an animal

Nothing else.

Trying it out

The family and I will try this diet to see what it is all about. We have been on it since May 19, 2024, and I am already down. So that is nice, and people are seeing the difference. So, I am happy with the results so far.


The question I need to ask myself is: Is this sustainable for the long term? I am not sure. I have seen people on this for years, but I am unsure. Knowing if I can reach my goal weight of 220 will be good. Then we can see if this is sustainable, but we will see.


My starting weight for this diet was 316 LBS.


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