Update on my Heart

Oct. 14, 2021, I had a Dr.’s appointment for my heart. I was nervous as I wasn’t doing all that good. Still overweight and my exercise isn’t that good.

Did I get a new echo

No, I didn’t get an echo, it was just a visit to see how I am doing.

  • See if the meds are working
  • See if there are any problems
  • My blood pressure is the same, on the low side
    • It was high until I got on some pills
  • Talk about other things


My doctor was proud of me that I have lost 15 pounds. So that is a good thing. She asked me what have I been doing. I explained that I added  the following:

  • Circuit training
  • Eating better
  • Weight training
    • Will be talking about this later

So I am improving and people are noticing.


I know this isn’t a great update on my heart. I didn’t find out if my heart strength is getting better. But, it is the small steps.


Of course, there is a video check it out below or check it out on YouTube.

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