Cooking with Justin, Stew Meat

I picked up some stew meat from good old Costco. I thought this would be an excellent option to eat while on my diet.


I put this in the crock pot to cook for the day. Well, 4 hours at least. I seasoned it with the following:

  • Salt, pink
  • Pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • Montreal Steak seasoning
  • Chilli Lime seasoning

I did put some butter on top of it. To add some fat to the meat.

Set some Aside

I set some of this stew meat aside, put it into a frying pan, and cooked it up. Then, I moved it to a bowl and a pan on the stove.

I cooked it in butter until it reached a suitable temperature, between 155 and 180 degrees. Once that was cooked, I moved it to a bowl and let it sit. I then cooked some eggs in the same pan I had just cooked the stew meat.

Once the eggs were done, I cut the meat into good-sized bits and then dumped the eggs on top.


The meat was good and a good source of protein. I’m not too fond of bacon. Don’t get me wrong; I will eat bacon every once in a while. But I like different types of protein in this diet.

This was a good choice.


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