It was time for me to upgrade my MacBook Air. My wife didn’t like to hear that, since I have a perfect one that I have only had for two years, not even that. Compromise We agreed on a compromise; she got a new computer, and I got a new […]
My thoughts of becoming a famous YouTuber needed to start somewhere right. But, unfortunately, my HP 17″ laptop wouldn’t make it for me. Thanksgiving time (A few years ago) It was a dark and stormy night; isn’t that how Snoppy started his stories? But, of course, it wasn’t a stormy […]
With school being more and more computer intense, I needed something of a bigger workhorse. My second bachelor’s degree in Information Technology meant that I needed something that could get the job done. Picked up Another laptop, and it is a Pavilion dv7 Intel i5 processer. Intel HD Graphics Came […]
Where would the world be without computers? That is a great question. Growing up We didn’t have the computers we do nowadays. Apple had Lisa. C. In 1981, IBM introduced its personal computer (PC). The Commodore 64 came out in 1984. It had 64KB of Ram. Holy crap. That was […]