Life Update, 2023

Talking about my life update.


My life is an up and down yo, yo at the moment.  There are some good days and some bad days. There is a video out on my YouTube channel.  I shot that video while I was on a cruise from LA to Vancouver, Canada.

My health has been good, no more heart issues, my pre-diabetes is almost gone, so that is a good thing. I have been doing good. Eating better was a struggle since I like to eat.

I mean I like to eat when I am bored and just sit at my desk all day long.


After we got back from New England, I stopped walking and working out. I was at 290.6 LBs. Yes, that was a good weight, I was working on it and it was working, but then I came back at 294.6 lbs.

Went to Hawaii weighing a good 296.6 lbs and came back just 1 lb heavier. Then Dec. 17, 2022, came along and my weight was on the rise.

The highest  I got was 315 LBs and that was on April 25, 2023. So that is 15 lbs gained since I stopped exercising.

Going on

So what is going on? Well, there is something going on in my head. I will have to figure it out. But my life update is just that life goes on and I will be back to the 290 at some point in the near future.


Since this website is called and the YouTube channel is called Just Justin. It means that is all about me. I can talk about whatever it is about me. So I might throw in some other things to talk about. Come back and enjoy the blog and channel.


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